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Monday, December 12, 2016

Homemade Hamster Food

Sources of good fats: walnuts, blanched sweet almonds, roasted peanuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, roasted soynuts, millet
Protein: sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, roasted peanuts, walnuts, blanched sweet almonds, freeze dried turkey, mealworms, roasted soynuts, flax seed, millet, quinoa, chia seeds, hard red wheat berries, nutritional yeast flakes, barley, spelt flakes, freeze dried chicken liver, freeze dried crickets, freeze dried chicken, freeze dried river shrimp

Macrominerals and Trace mineral-

Calcium: basil, sesame seeds, spirulina, chia seeds
Phosphorous: sesame seeds, spirulina, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds
Iodine: spirulina, oat, wheat berries
Selenium: chia seeds, wheat berries, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, blanched almonds
Iron: chia seeds, basil, spirulina, sesame seeds
Molybdenum: blanched almonds, peanuts, walnuts, barley, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast flakes


Vitamin A: carrot, spirulina, freeze dried chicken liver, bell peppers, basil, parsley
Vitamin D: freeze dried chicken liver
Vitamin E: sunflower seeds, blanched almonds, peanuts, basil, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, parsley, bell peppers, cranberries, carrots
Vitamin K: basil, carrot, spirulina, parsley, dried berries, carrots, bell peppers
Thiamin: spirulina, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, barley, oats, peanuts, carrots, bell peppers, parsley
Riboflavin: spirulina, blanched almonds, basil, freeze dried chicken liver, bell peppers, freeze dried turkey, carrots, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds
Niacin: peanuts, carrots, basil, freeze dried turkey, freeze dried chicken liver, bell peppers, sunflower seeds, barley, carrots, parsley
Pantothenic Acid: Sunflower seeds, bell peppers, freeze dried chicken, freeze dried turkey, wheat berries, carrots, spirulina
Pyridoxine: basil, millet, sesame seeds, freeze dried turkey, freeze dried chicken, sunflower seeds, bell peppers, carrots, spirulina
Biotin: blanched almonds, oats, peanuts, carrots, walnuts, nutritional yeast, wheat berries, roasted soynuts, berries, cranberries, sunflower seeds, freeze dried chicken liver
Folic Acid: basil, carrots, sunflower seeds, peanuts, flax seeds, blanched almonds, parsley, bell peppers, quinoa

Vitamin B12: freeze dried chicken liver, freeze dried chicken, freeze dried turkey

So this isn't a complete ingredient list, but this is very close. I now have 32 regular ingredients. I don't weigh my ingredients by grams anymore, I have realized it's pretty much useless anymore, I know how much each of my hamsters generally need and eat in each department of fat/protein/carbs. Each of my hamsters (though I have different species many of them are the same since I have six) need extreme differences in their diet for what is recommended individually. I just use volume measurements even when doing my base food mix, and then alter it from there when I feed each hamster. This is why I don't include measurements, I also don't sell my food at all... because hamsters are hugely different for each individual, and generally each person who would feed their hamster it needs to know what a healthy hamster looks like. In general all my hamster lost an extreme amount of weight for the first week or two, then they gained it back in lean muscles. They lost a lot of what I call excess fat. 

Most of my hamsters are rescue hams, so they come to me in some sort of bad shape or being fed crap food. I have two I want to discuss in detail, one is my severely aggressive dwarf ham and my other is a syrian who has some physical problems with his hips and and muscle atrophied side. My dwarf hamster, Icarus, actually had a bad bacterial infection that started to heal itself when I switched him to the homemade mix that the vet said was a really good choice and his aggression and anxiety in general has reduced. My syrian, Badger, I have adjusted his food to have more lean proteins and omega-3 fats, his hips are moving better and his atrophied side has actually gained muscle which it never has before. I am very happy with how it has helped not just them but also everyone else. If any of my readers have any questions about my food, I will gladly answer them.